Iranshahri economics

Iranshahri economics


Economics, as one of the fundamental pillars of social life, plays a crucial role in determining the level of welfare and quality of life for citizens. Therefore, it is essential to design an economic system that can provide the best opportunities and facilities for the growth and development of individuals and society. In this context, the manifesto of Iranshahri economics based on the three principles of complete freedom of economic activity for citizens, minimizing taxes, and managing national and natural resources by people’s guild organizations can be a significant step towards achieving these goals.


 Principle 1: Complete Freedom of Economic Activity for Citizens

Economic freedom means the ability of each individual to choose and carry out their economic activities without undue and restrictive government interference. This principle is based on the belief that individuals are the best decision-makers for themselves and their families, and allowing them to operate freely in the market will lead to increased entrepreneurship, innovation, and productivity.

To realize this principle, legal and bureaucratic barriers that hinder economic activities must be removed. This includes reducing or eliminating unnecessary licenses and regulations, simplifying the processes for registering companies and businesses, and creating an efficient judicial system for the swift resolution of commercial disputes. Additionally, the full protection of individual property rights and contract rights is essential to build trust in the market and economic transactions.


 Principle 2: Minimizing or Reducing Taxes to a Minimum

Taxes are one of the main sources of government revenue but at the same time impose a heavy financial burden on citizens and businesses. To create an efficient and dynamic economic system, it is crucial to reduce taxes to the minimum possible level. This can be achieved through optimizing the tax structure and eliminating unnecessary and complex taxes.

Reducing taxes not only increases citizens’ motivation to work and strive more but also attracts domestic and foreign investments. Moreover, with lower taxes, citizens’ purchasing power increases, leading to an economic boom and increased production. Alongside reducing taxes, the government must also cut its expenditures to maintain budget balance. This can be done by eliminating or reducing unnecessary costs and increasing efficiency in providing public services.


 Principle 3: Managing National and Natural Resources by People’s Guild Organizations

National and natural resources, including energy resources, mines, forests, and water, are vital assets of any country that must be managed efficiently and sustainably. In this regard, managing these resources by people’s guild organizations can lead to the creation of a transparent and accountable management system that ensures the benefits of all citizens.

These guild organizations can act as representatives of the community in managing national resources and, by leveraging public knowledge and experience, make better decisions for the optimal use of these resources. Additionally, these organizations can closely monitor the performance of the government and private companies in exploiting national resources and prevent violations and corruption.


 Challenges and Solutions

Despite the many benefits these three principles bring, their implementation comes with challenges. One of the main challenges is the resistance from powerful political and economic forces whose interests conflict with these principles. To overcome this challenge, public awareness and the creation of a strong grassroots movement are necessary to convey their demands to the government and power institutions.

Another challenge is the need for extensive structural and legal changes, which may be time-consuming and costly. In this regard, comprehensive and gradual programs must be designed to implement the necessary changes progressively and with minimal cost.



The manifesto of Iranshahri economics based on complete freedom of economic activity for citizens, minimizing taxes, and managing national and natural resources by people’s guild organizations can lead to the creation of a dynamic, fair, and sustainable economic system. By reducing government barriers and restrictions, increasing individual and collective incentives, and leveraging public capabilities and knowledge, this system paves the way for economic growth and development, ensuring benefits for all citizens.